Mellanox Technologies ********************* ConnectX-4/Lx Ethernet Drivers Update During Installation on Intel and AMD Systems README Last Updated: November 2015 =============================================================================== Table of Contents =============================================================================== 1. How to Install RHEL6.x using ConnectX-4/Lx Ethernet Drivers 2. How to Install RHEL7.x using ConnectX-4/Lx Ethernet Drivers =============================================================================== 1. How to Install RHEL6.x using ConnectX-4/Lx Ethernet Drivers =============================================================================== 1. Create Driver Update Disk for RHEL6.x. $ gzip -d dd-rhel6.x-mlnx-en-3.1-1.0.0-x86_64.iso.gz $ mkdir /tmp/initrd_update $ cp dd-rhel6.x-mlnx-en-3.1-1.0.0-x86_64.iso /tmp/initrd_update/dd.img $ cd /tmp/initrd_update $ find . | cpio --quiet -o -H newc | gzip -9 > /tmp/initrd_update.img $ cp /tmp/initrd_update.img /tftpboot/images/rhel/x86_64/6.x/dd.img 2. Update PXE Configuration. Example: label Rhel 6.x-x86_64-DD menu label rhel6x-x86_64-dd kernel images/rhel/x86_64/66/vmlinuz IPAPPEND 2 append initrd=images/rhel/x86_64/6.x/initrd.img,images/rhel/x86_64/6.x/dd.img repo= ks= ksdevice=bootif 3. Add to the kickstart file the post install section below. %post --interpreter /bin/bash #install and autostart Mellanox kernel module yum localinstall -y /root/DD-0/*mlnx*.rpm For more information please refer to: =============================================================================== 2. How to Install RHEL7.x using ConnectX-4/Lx Ethernet Drivers =============================================================================== 1. Create Driver Update Disk for RHEL7.x. $ gzip -d dd-rhel7.x-mlnx-en-3.1-1.0.0-x86_64.iso.gz $ mkdir /tmp/initrd_update $ cp dd-rhel7.x-mlnx-en-3.1-1.0.0-x86_64.iso /tmp/initrd_update/dd.img $ cd /tmp/initrd_update $ find . | cpio --quiet -o -H newc | gzip -9 > /tmp/initrd_update.img $ cp /tmp/initrd_update.img /tftpboot/images/rhel/x86_64/7.x/dd.img 2. Update PXE Configuration. Example: label Rhel 7.x-x86_64-DD menu label rhel7x-x86_64-dd kernel images/rhel/x86_64/7.x/vmlinuz IPAPPEND 2 append initrd=images/rhel/x86_64/7.x/initrd.img,images/rhel/x86_64/7.x/dd.img inst.dd=/dd.img inst.ks= ksdevice=bootif inst.repo= 3. Add to the kickstart file the post install section below. %post --interpreter /bin/bash #install and autostart Mellanox kernel module yum localinstall -y /media/DD/rpms/x86_64/*mlnx*.rpm For more information please refer to: